EPIC School Admissions

Each student referred to EPIC has different strengths and challenges, so we not only evaluate the student but also how they would fit into a particular classroom. We will only accept a new student if feel that EPIC really is the best place for him or her.


Students between the ages of 3-21 with a diagnosis on the autism spectrum are eligible to apply for admission. In general, The EPIC School works with individuals who, under DSM-V, would be considered as Autism 2 or 3.

The Application Process


Step 1: Referral

The EPIC School only considers students referred to us by their School District. Although private placements are possible, they are generally discouraged.


Step 2: Visitor Days

The EPIC School schedules five Visitor Days per year for parents and school district personnel. These are designed as an opportunity for interested individuals to learn more about The EPIC School, our faculty and staff, and educational process.
A virtual tour of the program “in action” is provided as part of Visitor Day.


Step 3: Complete an Intake Form

After reviewing the intake form and the student’s referral package from his or her district, the EPIC Clinical Team will make recommendations as to whether an in-person meeting should be scheduled.


Step 4: In-person Intake Meeting

If the Clinical Team believes the individual, on-paper, might be a good candidate for The EPIC School, they will schedule an Intake Meeting. At this meeting, the clinical staff with spend around 30-45 minutes working with the student while the Principal and Executive Director meet with the parents. If all are in agreement, the student may be invited to become an official EPIC Student at that point.

See Us in Action: Visit EPIC

Learn more about our programming during one of our Visitor Days with an on-site tour and informational session. Through a virtual tour, you’ll see students applying life skills and learning what they need to become confident, happy, independent adults in their communities.

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