Carl Sundberg, Ph.D. BCBA-D

Carl Sundberg, Ph.D. BCBA-D

Behavior Analysis Center for Autism

Dr. Carl Sundberg is the chief clinician and founder of the Behavior Analysis Center for Autism in Indiana. He received his doctorate degree in Applied Behavior Analysis from Western Michigan University under the direction of Dr. Jack Michael. While a graduate student, he taught behavior analysis at WMU for seven years. Dr. Sundberg has publications in The Analysis of Verbal Behavior and A Collection of Reprints on Verbal Behavior. Dr. Sundberg has over 30 years of experience using behavioral interventions to teach individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. He oversees the training of all the staff at BACA and consistently spends time with the clients. Eighty percent of his time is spent contributing to the training of staff and addressing specific client programs.

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